In 2017, Casa Cor Minas took place at the former headquarters of Rede Ferrovia Federal SA (RFFSA). With an eclectic architectural style, this building was an important witness to the history of the city. Conceived by Grego Design, the project seeks to make space for graphic design at the show. Hence the idea of inviting four design studios from Belo Horizonte to create interventions in the halls of the mansion at Rua Sapucaí.
Each of the studios (Márcia Larica, Hardy Design, Greco Design, and Estúdio Lampejo) made a free interpretation of one of the four central axes of the project: history, restoration, iconography, and future uses, respectively.
Thinking about the future of this building is, above all, understanding that this place, like any other, is in flux. Other people from other times have walked along these corridors, with concerns perhaps very different from ours. That is why we were interested in thinking of this installation as a meeting point, both in time and space, in which the visitor's trajectory intersects with the history of this house – the history of these bricks, this street, this city. To turn the spotlight to the time-scarred walls. To meditate on how all things contain the seed of their own transformation. We borrowed the words from Ana Martins Marques, one of the most celebrated names in contemporary Brazilian poetry, and printed them over 14 flags hung along the corridor's ceiling. The poem transformed the corridor into a sort of time portal, in which a new verse is revealed at each step. To read the entire poem, the visitor must walk through it.
Há estes dias em que pressentimos na casa
a ruína da casa
e no corpo
a morte do corpo
e no amor
o fim do amor
estes dias
em que tomar o ônibus é no entanto perdê-lo
e chegar a tempo é já chegar demasiado tarde
não são coisas que se expliquem
apenas são dias em que de repente sabemos
o que sempre soubemos e todos sabem
que a madeira é apenas o que vem logo antes
da cinza
e por mais vidas que tenha
cada gato
é o cadáver de um gato
O Livro das Semelhanças
Ana Martins Marques
Cia. das Letras, 2015.
E no entanto
a ideia geral do sono
essa ilusão de recomeço
ter a cada dia que escolher as calças
e a cara
que poremos
alguma coisa que se aprende
mínima que seja
inútil que seja
uma pessoa vista pela segunda vez
uma palavra desconhecida
de repente encontrada
o fato de que amanhã virás
O Livro das Semelhanças
Ana Martins Marques
Cia. das Letras, 2015.
Concept: João Emediato e Filipe Costa
Architectural Project: Dobra Arquitetura
Photography: Rafael Mota
Poems were kindly provided by the author Ana Martins Marques (“O Livro das Semelhanças,” Ed. Companhia das Letras, 2015)
Brazil, 2017.