Breves Bandeiras


Flags can gather people, stir up infatuations, and promote ideas. By default, flags represent solid convictions. This project was ignited by the question: what would we like to flaunt in a flag today?

We soon realized we wanted our flags flaring vulnerabilities rather than certainties. We decided to create dysfunctional and subversive objects, anti-utopia signs that would praise ephemeral states rather than eternal truths. Instead of reaffirming identities, we wanted to pose enigmas; instead of promoting conformity, these flags would promote dissent; instead of prompting action, we wanted to invite contemplation. This was an exercise in extreme formal restrictions, using color, shapes, and symbols to translate abstract moods and sensations. Eventually, this is an investigation of how graphic design translates moral and political principles into the objects that represent us.


The seven flags were shown at the first edition of Bonde, in New York, an event dedicated to celebrating and discussing the identity of Brazilian graphic design. Organized by Felipe Rocha and Leo Porto, the event also featured talks by acclaimed art and design professionals, like Marina Willer, Jonathas de Andrade, Celso Longo, Marcelo Rosembaum, Barbara Soalheiro, Nina Paim, and Pedro Sanches.

Flag dimensions: 112 x 84cm.

Conception and design: João Emediato and Filipe Costa

Intern: Matheus Brisola

Production of the flags: MM Criações

Photography and video: Elisa Rodrigues

Video editing: João Emediato

Webdesign: Marco Vincit

Public Relations: Fábio Gomides

This project was carried out with the support of Guaja

Brazil, 2017.


Brief Atlas of the Mouth


Brief Atlas of Work